U-rss+FFF Marc Veyrat Franck Soudan – FFF – MALTA

10th – 12th November 2017

FFF – MALTA by U-rss+FFF Marc Veyrat Franck Soudan(France)

The invitation to all digital artists (be careful they must be friends of Marc Veyrat on Facebook) to participate to the NEW social sculpture FFF – MALTA here:


For that it is enough for you to click on the following link (ATTENTION it does not work only from a COMPUTER with FIREFOX or CHROME). These digital artists must therefore have a social networking practice and a Facebook wall. FFF is just a collective digital Artwork between The Facebook i-STORY and U-® i-STORY. It\’s a small artistic world in the great economic Facebook constellation… It’s also an i-MATERIAL Social Sculpture. From all posts each surface is calculated from the connections established on the wall of the observer / participant … But on a maximum potential of 314 posts transposed according to a proportional of 314 points on the sphere that each must appear (only once). Each point of the surface (thus each post taken from the mass of the data) becomes associated with the following by the links which it maintains with the comments and the LIKES which are associated with it. It \’s this “qualification“ that produce its “relief“.





Marc Veyrat is visual artist and researcher in the field of digital arts and humanities. His work focuses on the aesthetic and political stakes of digital art and social networks as visual super surfaces. He is also lecturer at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc and associate researcher in the UNESCO / ITEN chair. Franck Soudan is an computer artist and researcher in the field of digital arts and humanities. His work focuses on the aesthetic and political stakes of softwares. Creator of interfaces and artist-programmer, he studies algorithms for their actual and conceptual consequences.