Angelina Voskopoulou – The seed

 Online Exhibition (7th – 9th November 2017):

 The seed by Angelina Voskopoulou (Athens, Greece)

The seed is the third part from «exogenesis «trilogy,experimental film is about Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the
unexpected. From chaos Eros is being born (love). Literally become one again (The question arose from Plato’s Symposium, which refers to the creation of mankind…. Each of us is half of another person as if he were half of a whole cut in two and in this way each person seeks the part, which ones is missing. The reason for this is that people were not always cut into two parts. The desire and the pursuit of this reunion is called love…

“Exogenesis’’ is responsibly depicting energy, illuminated energy which moves freely inside the electrical field of the universe, interconnecting every Thing, holding and shaping the physical, the spiritual and the intellectual world, giving it life and movement.

“Exogenesis” is all about the flash like moment when light is about to define form and prevail over darkness.

Angelina Voskopoulou: Born in Athens, Greece. I am a graduate (BA with Distinction) in Fine Arts and Technology and I also have a Masters degree in Digital Arts(university of the Arts London). I am teaching at Athens cultural center Art and New Media . I am also the course leader in Digital Arts at iversity (platform for open massive online courses) More over, I am working my own videos, as well as sculptures made from polyester. I am also the Co founder and video artist/director of ‘state of flux’ dance group. On 2010, I was one of the Representative artists in European meeting of young artists, of the European network for town twinning, congress hall National Center of scientific research ‘Democritus’, Athens cultural center. I have shown my work in many art festivals and exhibition spaces worldwide (Greece,Italy,Canada,Sweden,London,USA,Spain,Peru,Argentina,Bulgaria ,Morocco).

Recently I was selected for the Biennial Edition of VIDEOFOCUS,Stigmart10 Videobiennale, special issue featuring videoartists and independent filmmakers. More over I was part of The Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale, 2015- 2016. I was selected for Cannes festival (short film corner, 2015), further more, I am part of New Digital Art Biennale, in São Paulo and Part of the of the Museum of Digital Fine Arts (MoDFA). Selected for V International Biennial of Performance – 2016 – V, Representing Greece for The Mediterranean Biennale of Contemporary Art of Oran is an international event dedicated to contemporary art, 2017

Some of my art work over the past years has been focused on ‘minimal movement’.  My view regarding the power of that which is minimal has been reinforced by research, the application of ideas and the results from previous research. The movement of a unit is considered to be that which drives all things. I don’t wish to lead anyone to wonder about the physical world and its laws or create religious questions regarding God and creation. The project is centered on Man and his inner world.That which I call minimal movement, is the internal movement, internal action or intensity and how everything doesn’t necessarily have to entail external action. Even total lack of movement indicates internal intensities, conflicts, disputes and concerns.
